Music & Memory

     Since the uprising in Tunisia, we welcomed many visitors from around the world ,coming for different reasons like a study tour, photography, projects, partnerships... I met many but few of them capture my attention and remain in memory.

Music & Memory is a project by NEVIL MOUNTFORD. It is a very simple idea that makes people express themselves through their favorite songs. Nevil refused even to call it an interview. Once I told him that Tracy's Talking about the Revolution is the song that explains the situation in Tunisia for me, he played it on YouTube, turned on his camera and told me :" Yes..."
He didn't ask specific questions but just gave me the space to feel the song and translate it into my personal experience...

     I like his description of what I expressed. I think, his stay for almost six months in Tunisia gave him a very clear picture of the situation. He is one of the English men that would remain a lasting memory. I met him for no more than 10 minutes but they were enough to see the experienced artist in him.
His website is definitely worth visiting : Picture People 



تكذيب لكل ما نشر في وسائل الإعلام

Media Control and Political Power in democratic societies ?!

Youth Radicalisation and Distrust

Ma réponse à son Excellence Monsieur Emmanuel Macron