People Powered Accountability Discussion at the AfDB Annual Meetings #AfDB2015
The Forum for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has been just an
idea few years ago. However, last week, during its 2015 Annual Meetings in
Abidjan, the African Development Bank hosted a full day of panels and
discussions dedicated to CSOs. The CSO Forum is aiming at promoting closer
cooperation and engagement among CSOs, the Bank, and regional member countries
in order to optimize development results and sustain development impact.
About 50 participants representing a diverse group of CSOs
attended the event. Different sessions have provided a platform for learning
and exchange on how best to cooperate with CSOs.
"People-Powered Accountability" Panel ignited an
interesting discussion. Aloysius Ordu, the director of partnership for
Transparency, gave a presentation on People powered accountability. He showed
the 2014
Index on Corruption highlighting
that “Information is power but more importantly is what you do with
information”. He raised the
questions on how do we scale up as many of the CSOs operate on accountability
traps so they can’t scale it up nationally or continentally. Countries, indeed,
“look good” but they are trapped in low accountability. Ordu used an
interesting metaphor of voice and teeth to emphasize the tide connection; voice
being the citizen capacity for collective action and Teeth being the accessible
accountability institutions.
“Corruption is a not a myth it’s a reality”, commented Neil Cole,
the Executive Secretary of Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI) “. He raised the question “what is
that still causes corruption in governance as if none of those laws is in
place?” He stressed that even within countries that have wonderful
constitutions, the question is about the systems that are not robust enough to
eliminate and detect corruption when there is a corrupt act.
I was glad also to see the bloggers voice at the panel with the
Ghanian blogger, Kinna
Likimani. “It’s not just corruption or bad governance, it’s everything else
in the environment from disrespect, lack of human rights, lack of inclusion to
silencing voices”, she said. Kinna has given many tangible examples of
corruption in Ghana suggesting that everyday life is a negotiation of
an environment of corruption because “you will not be accorded your
rights”. So we eventually buy our respect as citizens, and the leadership takes
advantage of that. The solution for Kinna is to educate the people because she
is tired of “policy, policy, policy with no implementation”
It was fair enough to bring the voice of the Bank itself,
represented by Anna Bossman, the Director
of Integrity and Anti-Corruption Department (IACD). Her intervention
started by stressing that “Corruption is real when you look at the map,
statistics and indicators, but at the end corruption is about people beyond
that jargon”. As the moderator directly asked her “What makes the bank a
non-corrupt institution?”, Ms.Bossman explained that “the ADB promotes
integrity and accountability by strengthening its rules and regulations,
investigates, gives trainings to the staff and has recently launched the
Citizen Charter”.
Then she directed her talk more towards the
collaboration between the bank and CSOs “We need you but you also need the
bank, you are the people on the ground who can tell us where corruption is
taking place and we have facilities, information and platforms through which
you can engage”.
As the
moderator started getting questions from the audience, Ms. Graca Machel
entered the room. She has been then given the floor for a final word by
the end of the panel, where she stressed on regional collaboration. "We
are playing the game in a very unequal environment with government,
business, parliament and judiciary institutions that have resources
which CSOs don’t. CSOs have to be strong enough to face all these
institutions to be taken seriously". She raised the question on how to
strengthen the institutional capacity of CSOs as strong to play their
role on equal basis. She continues "African institutions, including
the bank, are not realizing that the citizen voice is fundamental to strengthen
democracy". She ended by calling on the CSOs present to
work regionally and unite to make "our voice heard". She
gave an example of her organization New Faces New Voices which
operates in 15 countries.
panel was interesting indeed but not much time has been given to the CSOs representatives
actually to talk and challenge the panelists and themselves. There has been a
long silence about the constriction of the civic space, before a shout out came
from the audience that the space of civil society is shrinking.“While we are
here, civil society activists are imprisoned in Egypt and Ethiopia and internet
has been shut down in Burundi, you might be afraid of governments
(towards the bank) but you need to call on them when they violate those
spaces”. There is a need to have more shout outs like this from the CSOs on the
Bank and other institutions to call on countries to give us back the civic
space because without that space, CSOs cannot thrive.
act as intermediary at all stages and play key role. They should be the ones
that raise community awareness of their rights and empower citizen groups for
collective action. So, CSOs need to get organized to challenge and to
session ended with a clear message that the bank has to do its homework on
how much it is taking CSOs seriously and supporting them as much as it supports
business and governments. On the other hand, CSOs need do their own
homework on how to work together in this unequal space and collaborate on
strategic issues so that their voices are much stronger.
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despre toate și m-a asigurat că iubitul meu se va întoarce, iar Dr și-a făcut magia și acum sunt cu iubitul meu și sunt foarte fericită. Mulțumesc doctor Ibinoba
De asemenea, este specializată în următoarele probleme:...
1. Vraja de dragoste și recuperarea fostului tău.
2. Vrajă sexuală și vrajă de fertilitate.
3. Vraja succesului și vraja răzbunării.
4. Vraja de protecție și vraja de divorț. îl poți contacta cu ușurință pe WhatsApp: +2349046229159 e-mail:
De asemenea, este specializată în următoarele probleme:...
1. Vraja iubirii și recuperarea fostului tău.
2. Vrajă sexuală și vrajă de fertilitate.
3. Vraja succesului și vraja răzbunării.
4. Vraja de protecție și vraja de divorț. îl poți contacta cu ușurință pe WhatsApp: +2349046229159 e-mail:
sau direct WhatsApp: +2349046229159
Notă: acesta este total inofensiv și nu are efecte secundare.
aceasta este solutia
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Eu și soțul meu am devenit atât de îngrijorați, încât am căutat diferite remedii pentru a rămâne însărcinată un an, până când m-am întâlnit cu doctorul DAWN, care o ajută pe cea mai bună prietenă a mea să rămână însărcinată atunci când nu a putut concepe,
I-am explicat totul acestui medic și el a promis că mă va ajuta, i-am oferit tot ce mi-a cerut,
Spre surprinderea mea am ramas insarcinata in 1 luna si 2 saptamani, acum am 2 copii frumosi, totul datorita doctorului DAWN,
Contacteaza-l daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata.
Dacă vrei să-ți aduci înapoi fostul iubit.
Dacă vrei să vindeci orice fel de boală.
Dacă vrei să câștigi la loterie sau să câștigi cazul Curt.
El este WhatsApp:+2349046229159
WhatsApp sau viber +2347055691377
De asemenea, specializat în:
Să-ți recuperezi fosta iubită sau iubit
Să-ți recuperezi fosta soție sau soț
Vraja de prosperitate
Vrajă de protecție
Obțineți un loc de muncă
Vraja de promovare a locurilor de muncă
Vrajă de copil
HIV Cura
Vrajă de sarcină
Vraja dragostei
Vraja de căsătorie
Câștigă la loterie
Dacă aveți nevoie de ajutorul lui, îl puteți contacta prin e-mail: sau Whatsapp-l la +17402121222 contactați-l acum și problema dumneavoastră va fi rezolvată în 48 de ore.